Cars on the Lafayette Street Bridge
[Cars on the Lafayette Street Bridge] .Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
Cars on the Kennedy Blvd Bridge Bridge 2020 © Chip Weiner.
This is an undated photo but was most likely produced in the 1940s, given the models of cars on the span. Not much has changed following the original 1913, 3-arch construction. As the demand for public access to the riverfront increased, more consumer-oriented businesses, such as hotels and high-rises, took over. Commerce requiring larger boats along the river slowed, reducing the need for full-time bridge tenders who occupied those barrel-tiled roof structures in the middle.
The city still operates five movable span bridges across the Hillsborough River, but boat operators must now schedule bridge openings by giving a two-hour notice. A section of the new Tampa Riverwalk can be seen in the middle right of this photo on the north side of the bridge, part of a city beautification and renovation project along the riverfront.
© Chip Weiner. All rights reserved
From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 1
This is the second design of the Lafayette Street Bridge. It was replaced in 1913.
Tampa Bay Hotel, Florida, 1902. ©Detroit Photographic Co
Looking east across Lafayette Street Bridge at downtown skyline. 1927. .Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System