El Pasaje Plaza, 14th St. and Palm Ave

Cars parked in front of Ybor City's El Pasaje Restaurant. 1925 Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida digital collection.

Cars parked in front of Ybor City's El Pasaje plaza 2020. © Chip Weiner

El Pasaje was built in 1888 as “The second brick building erected in Ybor City,” according to the plaque in front. However, the accuracy of such markers has been called into question recently. The Cherokee Club opened in the building and was a popular place for the elite to gather. It later became El Pasaje Restaurant.

In a controversial move in 1945, the building was sold by the Pan-American Federation club headed by JL Avellanal of Tampa to his mother, Concepcion Avellanal of Havana, Cuba, for $16,000. In 1946, Avellanal was sued for running Southern University out of the building, an alleged diploma mill, for 3 years. A lawsuit charged that M.D., PhD., Dr. of Dental Surgery, and Dr. of Divinity, et.al., degrees were all conferred despite no classes being held.

Over its life, the square has housed a hotel, a bordello, bars, and restaurants. In 1987, after a $2 million renovation, the 150-seat Café Creole opened in October and had a 15-year run.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 2

General view from the southeast, Cherokee Club, 1318 Ninth Avenue. Circa 1970s Historic American Buildings Survey, Library of Congress

West facade, Cherokee Club, 1318 Ninth Avenue,. Circa 1970s. Historic American Buildings Survey, Library of Congress

South and East facades with arcade- Cherokee Club, 1318 Ninth Avenue. Circa 1970s. , Historic American Buildings Survey. Library of Congress tif

Cherokee Club, 1318 Ninth Avenue, Circa 1970s. Historic American Buildings Survey ,Library of Congress

View of Front Corner, Cherokee Club, 1318 Ninth Avenue, , Circa 1970s. Historic American Buildings Survey Library of Congress

South front with facade, Cherokee Club, 1318 Ninth Avenue. Circa 1970s. Historic American Buildings Survey, Library of Congress