Frederick P. Farris Building, 1701-1703 Franklin Street

View of Frederick P. Farris Building at 1701-1703 Franklin Street, on corner with Henderson Avenue. 1924 Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Frederick P. Farris Building at 1701-1703 Franklin Street, on the corner with Henderson Avenue. 2021© Chip Weiner

This building in 1701 Franklin St. is part of what has become known as Yellow Brick Row, a moniker given to the area because so many of the buildings along this stretch are built with yellow bricks. What a beautiful place for a car dealership. In 1920, F. P. Fariss moved his Ford dealership here. Tragically, in 1922, Farriss was involved in a deadly car accident on Franklin Street. Two men were killed and others were injured, and Ferriss was charged with manslaughter. However, the dealership continued thereafter. By 1930, when the Great Depression was taking its toll on Tampa’s economy, the business was known as James Boyd Plymouth dealership By 1932, United Motor Company had moved from across the street to this location.

In 1935, the building changed from a Ford dealership to selling De Soto’s and Plymouth’s as Humphry Motors Inc. In the late 20th century, this section of town on north Franklin became home to several unions. Across the street, the old Sears and Roebuck store was the headquarters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. This building was the headquarters of the Amalgamated Transit Union in 1993. By 2001, Delilah’s Gentlemen’s Club and Steakhouse had its showgirls roaming here, followed by Club Chambers disco in 2002.

A new food hall concept called The Hall on Franklin opened in 2017 to rave reviews. Its popularity was short-lived. It abruptly closed in December 2020 due to business challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the opening of a larger concept called Armature Works a few blocks away. Another food hall concept named Urban Hawkers was to open in late 2021 but has yet to do so.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol.2

James Boyd Plymouth dealership. 1930. Robertson and Fresh. Courtesy, USF Digital Collection