Italian Club [Broadway Theater], 1731 E 7th Ave

Italian Club on 7th Avenue in Ybor City. 1933. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida Digital Collection.

L’Unione Italiana .2020. © Chip Weiner

Established as a mutual aid society for Italian immigrants, The Italian Club opened in its original location in 1911 but was destroyed by fire in 1914. Moving across Broadway, the new building, seen here, opened in 1918. It housed The Broadway Theatre for several years, featuring Italian-themed movies and operas on the first floor. Billiard rooms, gymnasiums, steam rooms, and a bowling alley were once part of the amenities offered to members here.

In 1934, another Italian organization from West Tampa, the Sicilian Club, merged with The Italian Club, which became known as L’Unione Italiana. Membership included Santo Trafficante Sr., a notorious underworld family member, and former politicians like two-term mayor Nick Nuccio, County Commissioner Joe Chillura, and Senator Guy Spicola. The club remains a social hub for Tampa’s Italian community.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 2

The Broadway Theatre, which also housed the Unione Italiana, at 7th Avenue and 18th Street. 1936. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida Digital Collection.

L'Unione Italiana [Italian Club] 2020. © Chip Weiner

The Broadway Theatre, which also housed the Unione Italiana, at 7th Avenue and 18th Street. 1936. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida Digital Collection.

Italian Club Blueprints, 1918 Courtesy, University of South Florida Digital Collection.