La Gloria Men’s Furnishing & Shoes.- King Corona Cigars
La Gloria Men’s Furnishing & Shoes. 1921. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida Digital Collections
King Corona Cigars Bar And Cafe, 1523 7th Avenue, Tampa, FL 2021. © Chip Weiner
This photo was taken in 1924. Nick Pizzolato’s La Gloria Men’s Furnishings at 1527 7th Ave was the only tenant at the time, with the other two spaces and the second floor still for rent. In 1925, Levine’s Specialty Shop was in the middle spot at 1525, and The Children’s Boot Shop was in 1523. Pizzolato’s inventory was sold at a bankruptcy sale in 1927. That same year G.R. Kinney opened Kinney’s Shoes here, which morphed into Economy Shoes by the mid-1930s. As with many of the structures in Ybor City, the building housed several businesses over the years, including Poller’s and Boston Shoe Store.
In 1966, Raul Vega Women’s Fashions opened a shop and ran here until late 1983. In 1998, Don Barco and his wife, Glenda Garcia Barco, opened King Carona, a cigar and coffee shop in the space. Barco, who died in 2019, was a native Floridian and beloved by many Ybor City business leaders and cigar aficionados. The cigar shop has turned into a favorite spot to socialize for both tourists and locals.
From Burgert Brothers: Look Again Vol. 2
King Corona 01/20/22. © Chip Weiner