The Lafayette Bridge by Plant Park

[The Lafayette Bridge by Plant Park]. 1937. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Staircase leading from the Kennedy Blvd. bridge to Plant Park. 2021.. © Chip Weiner

Pictures of the original Lafayette St. Bridge from the early 1900s show a stairway from the street level to Plant Park, but not as ornate as this one. It is likely that this staircase was built in 1913 when the replacement bridge with the design we see today was built. Imagine the tourists and citizens that traversed these steps over the years as they visited the grand Tampa Bay Hotel and its casino, now the University of Tampa.

The differences in the downtown skyline are remarkable as well. Prominent in the original photo is the Bay View Hotel, the 30,000 gal. water tower atop the Tampa Hardware building advertising Seminole Paint Products and City Hall. Except City Hall, all those landmarks have been razed and newer, taller buildings put in their places.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 1