Ringside Cigar Store, 905 Tampa Street

Building on east side of 900 block of Tampa Street, with Ringside Cigar Store at 905 Tampa Street. 1947. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Building on east side of 900 block of Tampa Street, 2021.. © Chip Weiner

In the 1930s, 903 Tampa Street was the clubhouse of the Maccabees, a group that celebrated the success of ancient Jewish warriors who took control of Judea about 150 BC. Their revolt is celebrated in the festival of Hanukkah. By 1946, when this photo was taken, the building had fallen into disrepair as evidenced by the second-story boarded-up windows. At that time, United Engineering Services occupied part of the first floor, and Berky’s Ringside Cigar Store- named after owner Max Berkman- was in the corner retail space.

In 1955, Berkman’s wife Doris was fined $1000 for selling pornography from the store. In 1956, after the name had been changed to Berkley’s Novelty Shop, Berkman himself was arrested allegedly for the same thing, telling police he was just trying to make a living. Today, Soleciety Premier Sneaker Marketplace sells wares on the opposite corner of the Tampa Street and Cass Streets building while the Tampa Downtown Partnership occupies the former Berkman store.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 1