Sacred Heart College and Catholic School, corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street

Sacred Heart College and Catholic School at corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street. 1922. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

The Madison Building, corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street 2021 © Chip Weiner

Coupled with the Sacred Heart Church and the Catholic Social Center, Sacred Heart College pictured here took up the entire block at Florida Avenue and Madison Street. The church was dedicated in 1905. Sacred Heart College had its inception in 1890 and taught its first classes from a grammar school, but could not give out their first diploma until 1912 after they met very high standards. The brick college shown here was dedicated in 1917. Catholic students at the college were expected to follow specific prescribed courses, keeping with the faith, and train in moral and character development. Students of other religions were welcomed at the school, and the strict training was not compulsory. All religions were respected and studied.

By the mid-1950s, enrollment exceeded capacity, and the then-president Fr. Michael Kennelly started a $600,000 campaign to purchase ranch land on Himes Ave, where Jesuit High School now stands. They moved there in 1956. The college was leveled and in 1965 the Madison Building opened, featuring a large parking structure on the bottom floors and offices on the upper floors. Frisch’s Big Boy restaurant, now closed, was an anchor tenant taking 3,000 sq. ft. on the first floor when the building opened.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 1