Senour Hardware Company, northeast corner of 7th Avenue and 22nd Street

Senour Hardware Company on 7th Avenue in Ybor City". 925. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida digital collection.

Shrimp and Co. 2206 E 7th Ave 2020. © Chip Weiner.

There is little information available about this store. It was located on the northeast side of 7th Avenue and 22nd Street and shared the inter­section with the 22nd St. Drugstore, Columbia Restaurant and Café, and the Columbia Fruit Market. The first evidence of Senour at this location was in 1917 when they had a four-digit phone number and advertised themselves as a store “full of things you need for your home and farm.” They won a national prize from the Winchester Arms Company in 1919 for their window display made during the fall hunting season. The company advertised practically daily in the Tampa Tribune, selling everything from fishing gear to heaters and offering prompt delivery and courteous service. Those advertisements ended in 1922, yet the Burgert photo is labeled 1925.

In 1926, the Broadway Pharmacy did business here until 1938. From 1943 through 1961, Tampa Typewriter Service was also listed at this exact address. In 1961, the location became the Florida Drugstore and was linked to Tampa mobster Santo Trafficante. Shrimp and Co. opened their seafood restaurant on the corner in 2009 and continues to do so today. Snobachi Handcrafted Ice Cream opened in 2017 in the same building on the east side.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 2

Senour Hardware Company on 7th Avenue in Ybor City, [The The intersection of Seventh Avenue and Twenty-second Street in Ybor City. 1925. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System