Seventh Avenue looking east from 14th Street, 1925

Street scene of 7th Avenue as seen from 14th Street. 1925. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Seventh Avenue looking east from 14th Street,. 2021. © Chip Weiner

This view east on 7th Ave from 14th St is an excellent reminder of the bustle of Ybor City in the 1920s when this photo was taken. Autos line the street as men stand outside the Café El Central, possibly discussing politics or cigar work. The date on the photo is June 2, 1925 (a Tuesday), so it isn't easy to know why the entire length of 7th Ave. is lined with American flags, but it is a window into a time gone by nonetheless. All the men are wearing hats, and the Piggly Wiggly store, Rivoli Theater, and player piano store are all visible. The old traffic light and even the electrical transformer on the upper left speak to a different time.

Hotel Haya has replaced the north side of the avenue. Paying homage to one of Ybor City’s founders, Ignacio Haya, the hotel's interior design tips its hat to the cigar industry. The $52-million 178-room boutique hotel opened in 2020. The America Billiard Parlor in the original photo opened as the G Bar, a gay dance club in the late 2000s, but closed in 2015. Next door, where Heise’s Pet Shop was located, is now Southern Nights, another gay spot that bought the bar from the owners of G Bar and opened both storefronts. Parking is no longer available on this stretch on 7th Ave. The cars and much of the daily street bustle are gone.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 2