The Gem Cafe and Sam Pooser Real Estate, 800 block of Tampa Street
The Gem Cafe and Sam Pooser Real Estate, 800 block of Tampa Street, 1926 Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
Element Tama, and DUckweed Urban Grocery, 800 block of Tampa Street, 2022. © Chip Weiner
The Orange Hotel opened for business at 815 Tampa Street in 1913, providing lodging to the growing number of visitors the city was receiving. Rates were between 75 cents and $1.00 per day and $1.25 with a bath. In 1914, J.L. Cooper bought the former Candy Kitchen and opened the Gem Café, where he continued to make candy but added ice cream and a small stock of groceries. Sam Pooser established his solo real estate office here in 1925. By the time this photo was taken in 1926, Pooser’s office was for rent.
Tampa Street and most of downtown became depressed as residents left the urban core after building the interstate through downtown. In 2009, Element Tampa, a luxury apartment building, opened. The Duckweed Urban Market, where Pooser’s real estate once sat, opened in the Element building in 2013 and serves food and groceries, much like the Gem Café.
© Chip Weiner. All rights reserved
From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 1