The Tampa Young Men’s Christian Association, NW Corner of Florida and Zack Street

Young Men's Christian Association building at Florida Avenue (700 block) and Zack Street (300 block) 1921. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy of the Hillsborough County Library

NW Corner of Florida Ave and Zack St.. 2022. © Chip Weiner

The Tampa Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) acted as a community center based in principled living and fostered the spiritual, recreational, and commercial needs of its members. Plans to erect this $100,000 building began in 1907 and was dedicated by the Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryant in 1909.   The Y acted as a dormitory for boys aged 12 – 18 years old to provide them with a homelike surrounding and keep them from the “attractions of saloons”, teaching them responsibility. The organization was run through funds contributed by interested citizens.

The center continued until 1982 when declining membership and lack of funds forced it to close. The building was nominated to the National Register of Historic Places in 1990 after Kenmare Investment group bought it for $1.2-million. The nomination was unsuccessful. It then sat vacant until 2005 when what was left of the building caught fire. It was condemned and demolished. It is now a parking lot.

© Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

600 Block of Florida Ave- New Exchange Bank tower with the YMCA in background. Gandy Collection. Courtesy of the University of South Florida

YMCA building, postcard. Hampton Dunn Collection. Courtesy of the University of South Florida

YMCA building, Florida Avenue and Zack Street , Tampa, Fla." © Zylstra, Sape A. Courtesy of the University of South Florida