Boats in the Mirasol Hotel Yacht Basin
View of boats and Mirasol Yacht Basin on Davis Islands. 1928. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
Boats in the Marjorie Park Marina, 2021. © Chip Weiner
The title of this photo is View of boats and Mirasol Yacht Basin. It was an example of when the Burgert photographer got confused or the caption and location were recorded incorrectly in the ledger when the film was turned in that day. This shot is actually of the Marjorie Park yacht basin with its distinctive Mediterranean Revival boat house at the left center and the 7-story Mirasol Apartment Hotel seen in the background. While the Mirasol had a yacht basin, it was on the west side of the building behind the structure and did not have a boathouse. This shot shows the east-facing front.
There is noticeable damage to this image from a deteriorated negative. It is evidence of the destructive nature of time and neglect and the herculean effort it takes to conserve the estimated 65,000 negatives in the Burgert collection. While modern software could quickly correct many of these imperfections, the originals are left alone to honor the age, art, artists, preservation efforts, and the process for this work.
© Chip Weiner. All rights reserved
From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol.2