Dr. Walkonig's Clinic, 502 Tyler Street
Dr. Walkonig's Clinic, 502 Tyler Street, northeast corner of Marion and Tyler streets. 1931. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System
View of Rialto Theater at 1621 Franklin Street. 2021. © Chip Weiner
Dr. C. Walkonig moved to Tampa after 25 years of practice in Baltimore and Atlanta, establishing his practice in the City Markets Building in 1927. He had a bachelor's degree in Pharmacy (Ph.G) and a medical degree. Opening at a time of great economic stress, he advertised giving “treatment with medicine furnished at prices to suit the depression of the times”. Many patients paid $1. He moved to this building in 1930. Walkonig was published in newspapers recommending treatment for Ira King of Mansfield, Ohio, suffering for two weeks from constant hiccoughs. He believed a teaspoon of aromatic spirits of ammonia in a glass of water would do the trick, the same as it had for a man the doctor treated in Atlanta. It didn’t work. King had his gall bladder removed, and that did the trick. Dr. Walkonig practiced at this location through the mid-1930s.
The replacement building pictured here was the South Carolina-based Carolina Life Insurance office in the late 1950s. In 1961, they merged with Southland Life Insurance Co. and operated here through the mid-1960s. The Olsen Law Firm is now doing business from this location.
© Chip Weiner. All rights reserved
From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 1