El Encanto Building, 1814 N 15th Street

Intersection of 15th Street and 8th Avenue in Ybor City. 1925 Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida Digital Collection.

El Encanto Building with Florida Cane Distillery, Hackworth Law, P.A. 1814 N 15th at 8th Ave 2020. © Chip Weiner

The name I Reina 1904 once crowned this building when it housed a tailor (sastreria) and a telegraph station. In a follow-up Burgert photograph from the mid-1940s, the I Reina name had been removed, and El Encanto Cleaners and a poultry market had moved in.

Since then, restaurants including The Laughing Cat Bistro and Row Boat Mediterranean Cuisine have done business in the space, and in 2016, Florida Cane Distillery, a whiskey tasting room, took up residence here with Hackworth Law, PA taking the other half of the street level. Florida Cane closed in January 2024.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol. 2

El El Encanto Cleaners on 15th Street. 1945. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, The University of South Florida Digital Collection.