Lake View Pharmacy, 3701 - 3709 Nebraska Ave

Commercial building at Nebraska Avenue and Lake Avenue 1936. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Commercial building at Nebraska Avenue and Lake Avenue .2021.© Chip Weiner

Lake Ave Pharmacy was a family-owned drug store selling toys, sundries, and ice cream along with its prescription and over-the-counter remedies. Owner Marcus Williams had the Marcus Grocery Co. store next door.  Williams and others were brought before the Tampa Rationing Board Price Panel for violations in 1944 for allegedly overcharging one to four cents on canned goods than was allowed. It was the second time he had been charged, resolving the first by making a contribution to the federal treasury. Rationing was a result of Pres. Teddy Roosevelt’s executive order creating the Office of Price Administration (OPA) in 1941. The order for rationing was given because of delays in production and trade limiting the availability of some goods due to World War II.  The second floor of the building housed apartments.

In 1958, Health-Ways Studios Inc. celebrated the grand opening of its second store here. They were in business to help women “lose weight, add inches to the bust line, and improve posture”. The business had changed names to Contour Health Club by 1962 and was for sale in 1963. Recently, the building was painted dark gray, and it looks to be in the process of rehabilitation. A door on one of the empty storefronts is still marked “House of David Help Center,” an indication of a former tenant.  

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol.2