Northtown Theatre 4020 Nebraska Avenue

Northtown Theatre 4020 Nebraska Avenue. 1946. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Advanced Auto, 4020 Nebraska Avenue. 2021.© Chip Weiner

The Northtown Theater was constructed in 1941 in Seminole Heights. The first film featured in the theater was The Bride That Came C.O.D, starring Bette Davis and James Cagney. The building was constructed by B. E. Gore, who also owned the State Rialto Theater in Tampa. In this photograph, taken in 1943, feature movies were Three Hearts for Julia- a romantic comedy, and Young Mr. Pitt- a British biographical film. In the middle of the small lobby of this theater stood a large machine making “French fried popcorn,” a popular movie treat even then. Snacks were also available in a section called the candy room.

In 1945, Gore sold his interest in his five theaters to investors from Miami, who installed new sound and projection equipment in 1947. In 1956, the theater was leased by subtenants who failed to pay the mortgage or taxes, and a foreclosure lawsuit was filed. By 1958, the building had become a meeting spot for the Teamsters Union and was known as The Old Northtown Theater. The building finally closed in the 1960s and was torn down. An Eckerd Drugstore was built on the lot next door in 1998, followed by the current tenant, Advanced Auto Parts.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol.2

The intersection of Tampa's Nebraska Avenue and Buffalo Avenue, showing the ongoing construction of Northtown Theater in the background. 1941. Roberson and Fresh. Courtesy of the University of South Florida

Exterior Construction Of The North Town Theater. 1941. Roberson and Fresh. Courtesy of the University of South Florida

Lobby of the Northtown Theatre 4020 Nebraska Avenue. 1946. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

Lobby of the Northtown Theatre 4020 Nebraska Avenue. 1946. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System