Rosemary Hotel, Shea and Prange Pharmacy

Rosemary Hotel, Shea and Prange Pharmacy, and other commercial establishments. 1934. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System

intersection of Grand Central and Brevard Avenues. 2021. © Chip Weiner

In typical 1920s fashion, the Rosemary Hotel, a two-story building at the corner of Lafayette St. and Brevard Ave, had retail on the bottom floor and guestrooms on the top. The building was located three blocks from the University of Tampa and supported the Shea & Prange Pharmacy No. 2, William Kruse tailoring, and the Lucile Davis Beauty Shoppe along Lafayette Street (now Kennedy Boulevard). The side door opened to Brevard Avenue at the rear of Shea & Prange and was the entrance to their snack counter that opened in 1932. It featured sandwiches, ice cream, and beer and was frequented by UT students.

The store closed, and its contents were auctioned in 1981. The intersection no longer exists. In 2012, Brevard Avenue was closed off, and the vacant lot was transformed into a parking lot for The Tampa General Corporate Center, which was built next door.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol.2