Tampa Overland Company Building, 1814-16 Franklin St

Tampa Overland Company Building, G.A. Miller builder 1814-16 Franklin. 1922. Burgert Brothers. Courtesy, University of South Florida

1814 - 1816 N Franklin St. 2022. © Chip Weiner

The Overland Automobile Company was founded in 1903. They built a two-cylinder, water-cooled runabout and, in their first year, manufactured 12 cars. It was bankrupt by 1906 but taken over by John Willys in 1912 and renamed Willys-Overland. In the next decade, they sold the most vehicles in the U.S., second only to Ford. Production continued until 1926, when the brand switched to Willys Whippet. The Tampa Overland Company, initially at 1806 Franklin Street, moved to this building at 1816 Franklin in 1920. The name eventually changed to Alsobrook Overland Company.

The building was located on North Franklin, where several businesses related to the car industry were located in the 1920s. It was built with the same yellow brick as many of the other buildings here. No records were found on the disposition of the building, which is now a parking lot.

 © Chip Weiner. All rights reserved

From Burgert Brothers: Look Again, Vol.2