Ybor City
7th Avenue at night
7th Avenue in Ybor City 1600 block, 1927
S. Agliano And Sons Fish Company, 1820 7th Avenue
Boys Club of Tampa Ybor City Branch
Broadway Avenue at 18th Street, looking west
Broadway National Bank of Tampa, 1702 7th Avenue
Broadway National Bank of Tampa, 1701 East Broadway (now 7th Ave)
Broadway Pharmacy and S. Gillman's Dry Goods Store, 2202 East Broadway
Building on 7th Avenue, 1700 block, looking northwest from 18th St
The Burgert Brothers Photography Studio, 1515 Broadway Ave
Centro Asturiano De Tampa, 1913 Nebraska Ave.
Centro Espanol, 1536 East 7th Avenue
Centro Asturiano de Tampa Hospital
Centro Español Clinic [La Benefica Espanola]- Ybor Building- at 15th Street And Palm Avenue
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, 1226 East Broadway
Clark Memorial Baptist Church and Baptist Goodwill Center at 1909 15th Street
Cliff Mathis Place, Tuxedo Hotel And Nite Club, 1503 6th Ave
Clinica de Emergencias la Benefica and the Broadway Cafe on 7th Avenue
Columbia Restaurant, 2117 7th Avenue
Columbia Restaurant 1959
Corral Wodiska y Co., Inc., 1302 N 19th St
Cuban Club- Circulo Cubano Club, 2010 14th Street.
Cuban Market On 7th Avenue, 1312 7th Ave
Cuervo's Restaurant, Edwards Juvenile, and Broadway Fabrics- 1700 Block 7th Ave
Cyrilla Cigar Factory No. 530 On 15th Street And 11th Avenue
Dekle Building, 1701 Nebraska Ave
Dolores Sundry Store, corner of 12th Ave. and 16th
Dorinda's Yarn Shop
Demmi's Market.
El Bien Publico Clinic, 1915 Republica de Cuba
El Encanto Building, 1814 N 15th Street
El Malecon Department Store, 1315 7th Avenue
El Pasaje Plaza, 14th St. and Palm Ave
Fernandez and Garcia, northeast corner of 7th Ave and 15th St
Frank Pardo's Super Market, 1809 22nd Street.
German-American Club, 2105 Nebraska Ave
Gutierrez Building, northeast corner of 7th Avenue and 16th Street
Gutierrez Building, 1603 7th Ave
Henry Di Stefano Cuscaden Park Service Station
Italian Club [Broadway Theater], 1731 E 7th Ave
Juan Baamonde Furniture and New York Bargain House, 1718 7th Ave
M. Katz Building, 2108 Broadway Avenue
Kress Building, 1624 East Seventh Ave
Labor Temple on 16th Street
La Verbena Cigar Festival 1931
La Gloria Men's Furnishing And Shoes, 1523 7th Avenue,
La Casa Arte, 1704 E Broadway
Las Novedades Restaurant, 1430 7th Ave
La Traduccion Newspaper Office, 1916 [1812] 15th Street
Louis Wohl and Sons, 1705 16th Street.
B. F. Marcos Building, 1610 East 7th Avenue
A. Martinez Building and Yellow House Cafe, 2201 15th Street
F. Mayo Building, 1517 7th Ave
Max Argintar, 1522-1524 East Broadway
Mecca Cafe, 1707 7th Avenue
Mercedes Cafeteria, 2600 16th Street
Nebraska Avenue (2000 block) in vicinity of Centro Asturiano, intersection with Palm Avenue, and adjacent property: (Ybor City)
Odorite Chemical Industries, 2822 North 35th Street
Oliva Tobacco Co 1313 8th Ave
Palm Avenue Baptist Church, 1805 N Florida Ave.
Poller's Fashion Shoppe, 1625 E 7th Ave
Regensburg Cigar Factory, 2701 N 16th St
Ritz (Rivoli) Theater, 1503 E 7th Ave
Sanchez & Haya, southwest corner of 7th Avenue and 15th Street
Scozzari Brothers Building, 1901 East Seventh Avenue
Philip Shore Elementary School, 1908 E 2nd Ave
Sanatorio del Centro Asturiano, northwest corner of Euclid and Ola Avenues
Senour Hardware Company, northeast corner of 7th Avenue and 22nd Street
Seventh Avenue looking east from 14th Street, 1925
Street scene with Schwartz’s Deli, 1300 block of 7th Ave
Street scene with Schwartz's Deli
Silver's 5-10 Cent And $1.00 Stores, 1609 E 7th Ave
Spanish Park Restaurant, 3715 7th Ave
Standard Oil Company Service Station, 2302 Broadway Avenue
Tampa Arctic Ice Company, 1405 E 2nd Ave
Tampa Florida Brewery, 1218 5th Avenue
Victor's Grocery, 1602 9th Ave.
V. M. Ybor and Company cigar factory, southwest corner of 15th Street and 8th Avenue
7th Avenue, 1600 block, south side
Street scene with Schwartz's Deli, 1300 block of 7th Avenue