Tampa Heights and Seminole Heights
Boyle Motor Company at 1415 Florida Avenue
Boyd's Service Station at the NE Corner of Nebraska and Hillsborough Avenue
Burt's Hardware, 1106 Franklin Street
B & B Supermarket, 5236 N Florida Ave
Bill Currie Ford, 3319 Florida Ave
Bud Sherk Used Cars, 1401 Florida Avenue
Carmine Italian- American Restaurant- 105 W Buffalo Ave
Children's Home, 3302 Florida Avenue
Clark Drug Company, 400-4010 Florida Avenue,
Coarsey and Bowyer automobile showroom, 1601-7 Franklin Street
Coleman's Super Service, 3002 Florida Ave
Whiddon's Cash Store, 2015 N Central
Simpson's Drugs, 2701 Florida Ave
Dave Davis Gents Furnishings, 1202 Franklin Street.
Day Wood's Ice Cream Bar, 3021 Florida Ave
Eagle Cleaning Company, 3116 Florida Avenue
First United Brethren Church, 3300 Nebraska Avenue
Frederick P. Farris Building, 1701-1703 Franklin Street
Gold Ring Cafe and Catering, 2510 N Tampa St
Green's Fuel and Gas Appliances building, 2101 Florida Avenue
Hillsborough High School, 5000 Central Avenue
Holtsinger Motor Company, 1514 Florida Avenue
J. H. Graham Bottling works, 3106-3108 Jefferson Street
Lake View Pharmacy, 3701 - 3709 Nebraska Ave
Lane Brothers, Inc., 2301 Florida Avenue
Lyons Building, 5401 Florida Avenue
Mahoney Building, 1809 Franklin Street
N & P Suprex Food Market, 122 West Palm Avenue
National Loan Co- Clarke Building- 1101 Franklin St
Northtown Theatre, 4020 Nebraska Avenue
Nu Icy Bottling Company, 3008 N Blvd.
Oldt Waring Company, 4510 Florida Avenue
Open Gate Motel, 4810 North Florida Avenue
Palm Avenue Baptist Church, 1805 N Florida Ave.
Palm Avenue Methodist Church at 203 East Palm Avenue [Tampa Heights Presbyterian- 2005 Lamar St].
Pearce's Pharmacy No. 2, corner of Florida and Osborne Avenues
Pee Gee Paint Store, 2809-11 Florida Avenue
Seaboard Oil Company, 201 W. Columbus
Sear and Roebuck, 1702 Franklin St.
Seminole Heights Baptist Church, 601 East Hillsborough Avenue
Seminole Laundry, 4902 Florida Ave
Seminole Service Station, 5020 Florida Avenue
Smith Chevrolet Company, 1514-1520 Florida Avenue.
Standard Oil Company district and city office building, 1802 Florida Avenue
Stores in brick building on 1542 Franklin Street
Teco Street Line leaving the trolley barn
Tampa Trolley Barn
Tampa Dry Cleaning Company, 6203 Florida Ave
Tampa Fire Department Station 5, 1807 Florida Avenue,
Tampa Heights Hospital, 301 East 7th Avenue
Palm Avenue Methodist Church at 203 East Palm Avenue [Tampa Heights Presbyterian- 2005 Lamar St]
Tampa Heights Methodist Church, 503 East Ross Avenue
Standard Oil Service Station, 3921 Florida Avenue.
Tampa Overland Company Building, 1814-16 Franklin
Tampa Public Library, 102 E 7th Avenue
United Markets Store Number Thirty-four, 2700 Florida Avenue
United Motor Company building, 1702-1706 Franklin Street.
Ward Bakery Company, 2401 Tampa Street
Webster-Daniels Company, 1613 Franklin Street
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2901 Highland